Tuesday, May 13, 2014

The Pleasant Day

I actually thought today would be one of the better days.  I had so many hardships throughout my life that I appreciated the better days to come since I didn’t have them so often. When I got up that morning there seemed to be a happy mood throughout the shelter. Everyone was saying good morning, there was a nice breakfast— bacon, pancakes, eggs, apple juice. The day was pleasant and warm, but I couldn’t just stay to enjoy the moment; I had to get ready for school. I was excited for a pleasant day to come. Now was my chance to wear a nice outfit. I never get the chance to. Now everyone won’t look at me as the poor girl—they can notice a change for once. I had new confidence for the day, something I desperately needed.
I hurried on my way to school. As I walked in the door everyone stared. I finally had my own spotlight. All my insecurities dropped and I had the brightest glow illuminating throughout my body. Then suddenly Janet walked by, I knew she was going to say something. “Mary you look pretty today.” Janet said pleasantly. Really? This was the first time I could expect a compliment from her. I must look nice today. Her compliment was another addition to make my day better. If only Shaun notices me the day would be complete.
The school day was going by pretty fast. How thankful I am so I can go out and enjoy the beautiful day. I was now in my final period— Chemistry. I always looked forward to Chemistry. Not only because it was the last period, but also I could see Shaun. I was anxious to know what his reaction would be towards my new look.
Shaun did not know that I had a crush on him. He was just always a friend towards me, which I appreciated. Shaun didn’t judge me for living in the shelter or not having fancy clothes, just being friendly was all I could ask for. But having a class together we began growing closer and getting to know each other. He knew my situation, I shared my life story with him. Shaun knew about my mother abandoning me and how I landed in the shelter. I didn’t want to go to a foster home. It would make me feel worse about my mother if I lived with such a great family and I didn’t want to think about it. Living in the shelter would give me a chance to be independent and prepare my life for myself. Yeah things would get hard, but in the end I would be proud because I got through it myself. Shaun respected me. We had a personal connection, but it would only get as far as a friendship.
As I walked into Chemistry, I walked gracefully to my seat. I arrived to class early to prepare for Shaun’s arrival. More and more students began rushing in but Shaun had not came yet. The bell rang. He must didn’t come to school today. Disappointment ran through my body, all I wanted was for him to see me today. I didn’t pay attention throughout the class, my mind was just wandering. Now the bell rang— school was over.
I walked out of the school somberly. The beautiful day was ruined. I just walked throughout the park, I wasn’t ready to go back to the shelter. I would just enjoy the fresh air.  I bought an ice cream and sat on the bench. I decided that it was a pleasant day regardless.

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