Tuesday, May 13, 2014

The Hike

We walked along the rocky path. As we climbed higher and higher the steps became more steep. The sun beamed down like a laser only pointing at us. When were we ever going to stop. My breath was shortening, and I pleaded for a break. She insisted, “We have to keep going.” Why did I sign up for this?
When we first began I loved the thought of an adventure, especially with a new person. You could learn about a new place while getting to know the person as well. And she seemed different from the rest. Her blonde hair spread throughout, flowing like a river. Her beautiful skin, so soft and silky made her face even more beautiful. But that couldn’t compare to her personality. She was willing to do everything which assured me I’d have a chance with such an interesting person like her. She made me want to try new things and I was set on marrying her at this point, but I had only known her for a month.
She convinced me to go on a hike through Yellowstone National Park. Me, nerdy grad student going on a hike? I have never considered this before. But I was up to anything with her. If she gave me a chance then I can do new things with her. I didn’t even know how to prepare for the activity. The nerd that I am, I researched everything I could to prepare for the hike. In the end I thought I was an expert. Now I was ready to go.
A week later we left to go. She continuously explained to me how fun and intimate the trip would be. I could only take her word for it. Even though I looked up all the information I needed it wasn’t the same as actually experiencing it. It took us 2 days to drive there. But once we got there the scene was beautiful. How great the nature was, I never appreciated as much as I did in that moment. As soon as we got our supplies out she was excited. “Hurry let’s start now!” She exclaimed. No time was wasted and the hike began.
We traveled along at our own pace. I recognized the plants: the white geraniums, yellow violets, and evening primroses. The beauty in the flowers I had never seen before. And the wildlife so up close with the deers roaming and bears, I was nervous. But I knew I would never get this opportunity again. The hike continued. I didn’t really know our destination, but she seemed to know where she was going. I was enjoying the fresh air, and walking in awe.
As the day grew older I started getting tired. I was proud of myself for how far I had come, but I couldn’t take it much longer. My water supply was running low and I just wanted to sit down. I asked her can we start heading back. “Yea we can if you’re ready,” she said. We turned back around.
As we began to walk back, I realized the scenery was not the same as before. “Are you sure we went this way?” I asked her.
She responded with her sweet voice, “I believe this is the way we came.” She seemed unsure, but I could only take her word. I remained calm to not make the situation worse but I just wanted to return to the car. We went through several circles and I was becoming more fatigue. I just had to take initiative now in the situation because we weren’t getting anywhere. I asked her for the map. I noticed where we were now and trailed the map to where the car was. I began the walk and she followed behind. Now I saw all the plants from before and I gained reassurance that we were going the right way.
After 2 hours on the journey through the park, I finally saw our car sitting there. I’ve never been so happy to get in the car. I needed water, food, and rest. Now I just wanted to get home. With her beautiful eyes glistening at me she seemed surprised at me for being the leader. A new feeling  was shared between the two of us. “You ready to go?”

“Yes I’m as ready as you are.” We drove off into the sunset—home here we come.

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