Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Thankful (for a classmate)

I enjoy plenty of my classmates in my corner. They provide joy and entertainment daily in 6th period English class. But one classmate I am thankful for is Aajeanna Brooks. She has been a great new friend I have met this year. We seemed to have a lot in common. We have the same birthday! We have weird little convos about what would we do in unrealistic situations which are pretty funny. Also we help each other on most of our group works and are beneficial to each other. After school we even ride the train together and get off at the same stop! We have a parting words almost every day. Aajeanna is really a funny person and I love her imagination in reading her different stories we share in English. I have 1st period Spanish with her but we have gotten closer in English. That's my buddy and I am thankful for her!

Monday, November 11, 2013

I Celebrate Myself

Many people celebrate themselves in different ways. They throw parties to show an accomplishment, have a little dinner, or just simply give themselves a pat on the back. But was the accomplishment something they truly wanted to do or was it fulfilling someone else's dream?

To truly celebrate yourself you have to do what makes you feel happy. Things that you enjoy. From the theories of the transcendentalists you don't have to go with the status quo to be happy. You can do what makes you happy and that is perfectly fine. At the end of the day you are only living for yourself so why not do what you want to do?

Thoreau just simply wanted to look at a blade of grass. And that was perfectly fine, he wasn't bothering anybody. It was to the point of realizing the similarities that him and this piece of grass had. He went down to simpler terms and enjoyed looking at it. That's the purpose of celebrating yourself. Maybe not to the extreme of looking at grass all day, but to just do what you want to do. Not falling under society's definition of what should make you happy or what you should be doing. It is about individuality. But I must admit individuality is much more common nowadays. People don't mind at all doing what they want to do and how different it makes them seem because they are happy with it. The true theory behind the transcendentalists.

Too many people live their lives, following parents dreams. "Oh we want you to be a doctor." But you just want to be a video game creator. But then you don't say anything, and do what you want to do. You go on off to college almost done with school until you realize that this is truly not your dream. Then you finally speak up about it. But now your time is wasted, you could have been on about your life, happy with the job you have, being your own individual. You shouldn't wait that long. Celebrate yourself and ideas so that your dreams can come true.

So I celebrate myself. I do what I can to make myself happy. I make changes to make sure those actions satisfy me to the point that I'm enjoying life and not just living on a day to day basis. I have too much opportunity and freedom to follow my passions and dreams to not take them. At the end I don't want to regret because I was living for someone else and instead their happy and I'm miserable. I"ll live for myself because in the end that is all I will have. And I'll celebrate my choices and accomplishments with the parties, dinners, and pat on my back because I am happy!